Dongwon Dongwon LOEX

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Dongwon Dongwon LOEX

  • Acquisition of Certification for General Logistics Companies
  • Completion of Environmental Management System
  • Certification of Domestic & International Safety and Health Management System
  • DPCT certified as 16 consecutive years of no-accidents
  • Accreditation of an excellent freight transport company
  • Acquisition of Certification of Logistics Standard Facility
06775 9rd Floor, Dongwon Industries BLDG, 68 Mabang-Ro Seocho-Gu, Seoul


Ncall Truck Warehouse

Privacy Policy

<Dongwon LOEX> 'Dongwon LOEX Website' (hereinafter referred to as the Company) observes the following processing policies in order to protect the personal information, rights and interests of users, and to smoothly process any grievances of users related to personal information ptursuant to the Personal Information Protection Act.

  1. 1. Purpose of Processing Personal Information
    • (1)The Company processes and uses personal information for the following purposes only, and in the event that the purposes for using personal infor mation are changed, the Company is expected to request prior consent.
      • 1)Handling complaints

        -The Company processes personal information for the purpose of confirming the identity of a complainant, checking a complaint, communicating with and notifying the complainant for fact finding, giving notifications, and where necessary, giving notification of processing results.

  2. 2. Processing and Retention Period for Personal Information
    • (1)The Company processes and retains personal information within the designated period subject to the consent of the principals of the personal information to its use when the personal information is collected during the personal information retention period pursuant to the laws and regulations, or when personal information is collected from those principals of personal information.
    • (2)The personal information processing and retention periods are as follows :
      • 1)Handling complaints 3 years from the date of consent to the collection and use of personal information

        - Relevant laws and regulations: records related to the handling of customer complaints or disputes: 3 years

  3. 3. Delegation for the Processing of Personal Information
    • (1)The company delegates the processing of personal information to a third party as follows to facilitate the management thereof.
      • 1) Operation of a customer service center

        - Required information: name, contact, email address
        - Delegate: Dongwon enterprise
        - Activities to be delegated: Handling of complaints

    • (2)Pursuant to Article 25 of the Privacy Protection Act, when entering into delegation agreements, the Company not only provides specifications in documents such as written agreement provisions related to the prohibition of processing personal information for purposes other than the performance of delegated activities, technical/administrative protective measures, restriction on sub-delegation, management and supervision of the delegate and responsibilities including compensation for damages, but also supervises to ensure that the delegate processes personal information in a safe manner.
    • (3)In changing companies, the Company will inform the principals of personal information of any notifications and personal information processing policies.
  4. 4. Rights, obligations and right exercising methods of the principal of personal information
    • (1)The principal of personal information may exercise the following rights at any time.
      • 1)Reading of personal information
      • 2)Request for correction of personal information where any incorrect information exists
      • 3)Request for deletion of personal information
      • 4)Request for suspension of processing of personal information
    • (2)To exercise the rights in accordance with Paragraph above, a request shall be submitted in writing using Annexed Form No. 8 of the Enforcement Ordinance of the Privacy Protection Act, or via email, facsimile or other available means, and the Company will respond to such request without delay.
    • (3)When the principal of personal information requests the correction or deletion of errors in his or her personal information, the Company will not use or provide such personal information until the correction or deletion is completed.
    • (4)The rights specified in Paragraph
      above may be exercised by proxy, such as by a legal representative of the principal of personal information or a delegate. In this case, a power of attorney in accordance with the Annexed Form No. 11 of the Enforcement Ordinance of the Privacy Protection Act shall be submitted.
  5. 5. Items of personal information to be processed
    • (1) The Company processes the following items of personal information.
      • 1)Handling of complaints

        - Required information: name, contact, email address

      • 2)The following items of personal information may be automatically generated and collected in the process of using the Internet service.

        - type of Internet browser and operating system, search terms, website visited history
        - IP address, time and date of visit, error record, cookies, etc.

  6. 6. Measures to Obtain Personal Information Security
    • (1)The Company takes the following action to obtain the necessary level of security for personal information.
      • 1)Administrative measures : establishment and implementation of internal management plan, regular personnel education, etc.
      • 2)Technical measures : control access to the personal information processing system, installation of an access control system, encryption of identification information, installation of security program
      • 3)Physical measures : control access to the data processing room or data archive
  7. 7. Personal Information Protection Manager
    • (1)The Company has appointed a Personal Information Protection Manger in order to protect personal information and process complaints related to personal information as follows:
      • 1)Personal Information Protection Manger

        - Name : Kang Young Koo
        - lPosition: Managing Director
        - Contact: 02-6363-2703,

        ※ You will be connected to the personal information protection organization.

      • 2)Personal Information Protection Organization Organization

        - Organization name : Management Support Team
        - Person in charge : kwon sun il
        - Contact: 02-6363-2657,

    • (2)The principal of personal information may contact the personal information project manager or organization with any questions, complaints or requests for relief of damages generated while using the services provided by the Company. The Company will provide answers and take necessary action related to the inquiry without delay.
  8. 8. Resolution for Infringement on personal information
    • (1)The principal of personal information may query the organizations listed below about the relief of damages from the infringement of personal information.
      • 1)The principal of personal information may query the organizations listed below about the relief of damages from the infringement of personal information.

        - Activities: receipt of personal information infringement complaints and counseling requests
        - Website:
        - Contact: call 118
        - Address: Korea Internet and Security Agency Privacy Complaint Center, Jungdae-ro 135, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea (ZIP 138-950)

      • 2)Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee (operated by Korea Internet and Security Agency)

        - Activities: receipt of requests for personal information dispute mediation, collective dispute mediation (civil settlement)
        - Website:
        - Contact: call 118
        - Address: Korea Internet and Security Agency Privacy Complaint Center, Jungdae-ro 135, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea (ZIP 138-950)

      • 3)Cybercrime Investigation Department at Prosecution Service: 02-3480-3573 (
      • 4)Cyber Terror Response Center at National Police Agency: 1566-0112 (
  9. 9. Changes in Personal Information Processing Policy
    • (1)This personal information processing policy becomes effective on January 1, 2013.


(Currency: KRW)
The 9th 2019
계정과목 금액
Ⅰ.유동자산 150,641,073,726
1.현금및현금성자산 25,343,225,301
2.단기금융자산 54,000,000
3.매출채권 114,397,277,429
4.기타수취채권 1,747,937,616
5.재고자산 797,112,456
6.계약자산 3,270,891,675
7.기타유동자산 5,030,629,249
Ⅱ.매각예정비유동자산 30,784,081,679
Ⅲ.비유동자산 512,213,584,282
1.장기금융자산 68,000,000
2.매출채권 -
3.기타수취채권 3,418,412,661
4.기타포괄손익 -공정가치측정금융자산 212,274,685,554
5.당기손익-공정가치측정금융자산 162,414,976
6.종속기업및관계기업투자 79,601,124,612
7.유형자산 94,943,957,626
8.투자부동산 101,442,034,161
9.무형자산 4,947,147,921
10.사용권자산 13,621,051,963
11.순확정급여자산 1,579,783,091
12.기타비유동자산 154,971,717
자산총계 693,638,739,687
부채 154,971,717
Ⅰ.유동부채 199,644,402,366
1.매입채무및기타채무 91,380,608,718
2.계약부채 1,028,137,067
3.차입금및사채 98,080,200,000
4.기타유동부채 1,043,116,465
5.리스부채 5,559,108,735
6.당기법인세부채 2,553,231,381
Ⅱ.비유동부채 87,947,626,828
1.매입채무및기타채무 2,108,895,950
2.차입금및사채 67,080,200,000
3.순확정급여부채 -
4.리스부채 4,167,429,275
5.이연법인세부채 14,591,101,603
부채총계 287,592,029,194
Ⅰ.자본금 27,200,000,000
Ⅱ.주식발행초과금 40,800,000,000
Ⅲ.기타자본구성요소 66,652,212,339
Ⅳ.이익잉여금 271,394,498,154
자본총계 406,046,710,493
자본과부채총계 693,638,739,687
위와 같이 공고함. 2020년 03월 31일 Dongwon LOEX 주식회사 대표이사 김종성
회사의 재무제표는 Dongwon LOEX 주식회사의 2019년 12월 31일 현재의 재무상태,동일로 종료되는 보고기간의 재무성과 및 현금흐름을 한국채택국제회계기준에 따라 중요성의 관점에서 공정하게 표시하고 있습니다. 삼정회계법인 대표이사 김교태
The 8th 2018
계정과목 금액
Ⅰ.유동자산 142,344,007,596
1.현금및현금성자산 7,334,803,616
2.단기금융자산 54,000,000
3.매출채권 128,353,861,996
4.기타수취채권 4,668,383,035
5.재고자산 675,699,466
6.기타유동자산 1,257,259,483
Ⅱ.비유동자산 518,022,130,960
1.장기금융자산 68,000,000
2.매출채권 3,104,781
3.기타수취채권 3,249,334,286
4.매도가능금융자산 -
5.기타포괄손익 - 공정가치측정금융자산 199,903,294,761
6.당기손익 - 공정가치측정금융자산 162,414,976
7.종속기업및관계기업투자 104,765,328,406
8.유형자산 97,441,436,843
9.투자부동산 104,500,190,868
10.무형자산 7,625,194,121
11.기타비유동자산 303,831,918
자산총계 660,366,138,556
Ⅰ.유동부채 155,985,219,016
1.매입채무및기타채무 86,676,453,495
2.차입금및사채 66,110,800,000
3.유동화채무 -
4.금융리스부채 -
5.기타유동부채 2,615,323,120
6.당기법인세부채 582,642,401
Ⅱ.비유동부채 120,685,632,697
1.매입채무및기타채무 1,167,100,778
2.차입금및사채 105,160,400,000
3.금융리스부채 -
4.순확정급여부채 2,378,237,552
5.기타금융부채 -
6.이연법인세부채 11,979,894,367
부채총계 276,670,851,713
Ⅰ.자본금 27,200,000,000
Ⅱ.주식발행초과금 40,800,000,000
Ⅲ.기타자본구성요소 56,970,890,720
Ⅳ.이익잉여금 258,724,396,123
자본총계 383,695,286,843
자본과부채총계 660,366,138,556
위와 같이 공고함. 2019년 03월 29일 주식회사 동부익스프레스 대표이사 김종성
회사의 재무제표는 주식회사 동부익스프레스의 2018년 12월 31일 현재의 재무상태,동일로 종료되는 보고기간의 재무성과 및 현금흐름을 한국채택국제회계기준에 따라 중요성의 관점에서 공정하게 표시하고 있습니다. 삼일회계법인 대표이사 김영식
The 7th 2017
계정과목 금액
Ⅰ.유동자산 196,215,972,750
1.현금및현금성자산 50,736,592,598
2.단기금융자산 3,141,000,000
3.매출채권 127,335,138,525
4.기타수취채권 12,391,875,431
5.매도가능금융자산 -
6.재고자산 461,139,836
7.기타유동자산 2,150,226,360
Ⅱ.매각예정비유동자산 4,807,754,848
Ⅲ.비유동자산 503,677,930,849
1.장기금융자산 17,000,000
2.매출채권 6,469,862
3.기타수취채권 4,549,641,786
4.매도가능금융자산 196,190,744,363
5.종속기업및관계기업투자 91,596,730,762
6.유형자산 100,003,301,603
7.투자부동산 105,067,700,472
8.무형자산 5,780,349,604
9.기타비유동자산 465,992,397
10.이연법인세자산 -
자산총계 704,701,658,447
Ⅰ.유동부채 259,589,968,072
1.매입채무및기타채무 113,221,662,211
2.차입금및사채 139,912,800,000
3.유동화채무 -
4.금융리스부채 -
5.기타유동부채 1,268,862,770
6.당기법인세부채 5,186,643,091
Ⅱ.비유동부채 51,597,067,876
1.매입채무및기타채무 2,114,139,238
2.차입금및사채 38,271,200,000
3.금융리스부채 -
4.순확정급여부채 447,402,193
5.기타금융부채 90,798,671
6.이연법인세부채 10,673,527,774
부채총계 311,187,035,948
Ⅰ.자본금 27,200,000,000
Ⅱ.주식발행초과금 40,800,000,000
Ⅲ.기타자본구성요소 53,131,511,337
Ⅳ.이익잉여금 272,383,111,162
자본총계 393,514,622,499
자본과부채총계 704,701,658,447
위와 같이 공고함. 2018년 03월 28일 주식회사 동부익스프레스 대표이사 김종성
회사의 재무제표는 주식회사 동부익스프레스의 2017년 12월 31일 현재의 재무상태,동일로 종료되는 보고기간의 재무성과 및 현금흐름을 한국채택국제회계기준에 따라 중요성의 관점에서 공정하게 표시하고 있습니다. 삼일회계법인 대표이사 김영식
The 6th 2016
계정과목 금액
Ⅰ.유동자산 142,009,317,263
1.현금및현금성자산 8,319,088,246
2.단기금융자산 5,909,000,000
3.매출채권 116,621,884,459
4.기타수취채권 6,509,786,928
5.매도가능금융자산 -
6.재고자산 504,774,761
7.기타유동자산 4,144,782,869
Ⅲ.비유동자산 556,015,249,464
1.장기금융자산 804,571,234
2.매출채권 12,143,364
3.기타수취채권 3,826,588,443
4.매도가능금융자산 138,169,880,213
5.종속기업및관계기업투자 94,382,524,815
6.유형자산 172,564,161,670
7.투자부동산 133,174,896,109
8.무형자산 6,355,297,953
9.기타비유동자산 629,136,183
10.이연법인세자산 6,096,049,480
자산총계 698,024,566,727
Ⅰ.유동부채 322,426,330,933
1.매입채무및기타채무 145,814,784,170
2.차입금및사채 153,495,000,000
3.유동화채무 11,000,000,000
4.금융리스부채 10,495,074,580
5.기타유동부채 1,343,752,448
6.당기법인세부채 277,719,735
Ⅱ.비유동부채 74,228,681,455
1.매입채무및기타채무 7,895,369,148
2.차입금및사채 38,484,000,000
3.유동화채무 -
4.금융리스부채 17,941,202,495
5.순확정급여부채 9,501,434,338
6.기타금융부채 406,675,474
부채총계 396,655,012,388
Ⅰ.자본금 27,200,000,000
Ⅱ.주식발행초과금 40,800,000,000
Ⅲ.기타자본구성요소 2,485,650,418
Ⅳ.이익잉여금 230,883,903,921
자본총계 301,369,554,339
자본과부채총계 698,024,566,727
위와 같이 공고함. 2017년 03월 30일 주식회사 동부익스프레스 대표이사 김종성
회사의 재무제표는 주식회사 동부익스프레스의 2016년 12월 31일 현재의 재무상태,동일로 종료되는 보고기간의 재무성과 및 현금흐름을 한국채택국제회계기준에 따라 중요성의 관점에서 공정하게 표시하고 있습니다. 삼일회계법인 대표이사 김영식
The 5th 2015
계정과목 금액
Ⅰ.유동자산 146,324,452,098
1.현금및현금성자산 3,158,149,395
2.단기금융자산 6,189,000,000
3.매출채권 117,630,756,317
4.기타수취채권 13,195,919,229
5.매도가능금융자산 -
6.재고자산 591,188,964
7.기타유동자산 5,559,438,193
Ⅱ.비유동자산 553,479,568,464
1.장기금융자산 387,071,234
2.매출채권 77,040,368
3.기타수취채권 3,751,309,510
4.매도가능금융자산 139,926,778,306
5.종속기업및관계기업투자 93,147,885,735
6.유형자산 168,786,241,979
7.투자부동산 133,414,337,713
8.무형자산 7,829,533,984
9.기타비유동자산 1,512,963,009
10.이연법인세자산 4,646,406,626
자산총계 699,804,020,562
Ⅰ.유동부채 301,781,773,762
1.매입채무및기타채무 120,178,491,880
2.차입금및사채 162,945,750,828
3.유동화채무 12,000,000,000
4.금융리스부채 4,836,031,834
5.기타유동부채 1,392,601,974
6.당기법인세부채 428,897,246
Ⅱ.비유동부채 89,507,655,861
1.매입채무및기타채무 9,776,742,839
2.차입금및사채 39,928,000,000
3.유동화채무 11,000,000,000
4.금융리스부채 15,863,385,016
5.순확정급여부채 12,331,941,291
6.기타금융부채 607,586,715
부채총계 391,289,429,623
Ⅰ.자본금 27,200,000,000
Ⅱ.주식발행초과금 40,800,000,000
Ⅲ.기타자본구성요소 2,360,605,257
Ⅳ.이익잉여금 238,153,985,682
자본총계 308,514,590,939
자본과부채총계 699,804,020,562
위와 같이 공고함. 2016년 03월 30일 주식회사 동부익스프레스 대표이사 정주섭
회사의 재무제표는 주식회사 동부익스프레스의 2015년 12월 31일 현재의 재무상태,동일로 종료되는 보고기간의 재무성과 및 현금흐름을 한국채택국제회계기준에 따라 중요성의 관점에서 공정하게 표시하고 있습니다. 삼일회계법인 대표이사 안경태
The 4th 2014
계정과목 금액
Ⅰ.유동자산 274,219,528,005
1.현금및현금성자산 21,999,547,086
2.단기금융자산 24,864,399,945
3.매출채권 176,181,760,453
4.기타수취채권 39,411,837,050
5.매도가능금융자산 347,799,711
6.재고자산 1,613,605,933
7.기타유동자산 9,328,185,622
8.당기법인세자산 472,392,205
Ⅱ.비유동자산 649,696,239,651
1.장기금융자산 880,071,234
2.매출채권 33,511,534
3.기타수취채권 4,084,495,878
4.매도가능금융자산 133,557,973,517
5.관계기업투자 793,835,032
6.유형자산 213,434,137,130
7.투자부동산 133,653,779,317
8.무형자산 157,167,097,448
9.기타비유동자산 2,032,215,476
10.이연법인세자산 4,059,123,085
자산총계 923,915,767,656
Ⅰ.유동부채 415,906,025,673
1.매입채무및기타채무 163,216,579,148
2.차입금및사채 230,522,848,194
3.유동화채무 11,100,000,000
4.금융리스부채 5,286,929,941
5.기타유동부채 4,595,465,075
6.당기법인세부채 1,184,203,315
Ⅱ.비유동부채 145,969,258,034
1.매입채무및기타채무 10,281,958,346
2.차입금및사채 75,630,533,000
3.유동화채무 23,000,000,000/td>
4.금융리스부채 8,583,995,367
5.기타비유동부채 922,221,942
6.순확정급여부채 14,443,305,981
7.이연법인세부채 13,107,243,398
부채총계 561,875,283,707
Ⅰ.지배기업소유지분 350,467,114,972
1.자본금 27,200,000,000
2.주식발행초과금 32,958,958,336
3.기타자본구성요소 1,501,349,962
4.이익잉여금 288,806,806,674
자본총계 362,040,483,949
자본과부채총계 923,915,767,656
위와 같이 공고함. 2015년 03월 18일 주식회사 동부익스프레스 대표이사 정주섭
회사의 재무제표는 주식회사 동부익스프레스의 2014년 12월 31일 현재의 재무상태,동일로 종료되는 보고기간의 재무성과 및 현금흐름을 한국채택국제회계기준에 따라 중요성의 관점에서 공정하게 표시하고 있습니다. 삼일회계법인 대표이사 안경태
The 3th 2013
계정과목 금액
Ⅰ.유동자산 198,094,122,917
1.현금및현금성자산 3,724,176,347
2.매출채권 170,086,175,384
3.기타수취채권 12,240,665,431
4.매도가능금융자산 292,871,520
5.기타금융자산 5,304,800,000
6.재고자산 676,159,968
7.기타유동자산 5,769,274,267
8.당기법인세자산 -
Ⅱ.비유동자산 540,590,630,342
1.매출채권 44,044,034
2.기타수취채권 4,378,724,550
3.매도가능금융자산 133,591,377,402
4.기타금융자산 595,471,234
5.종속/관계기업투자 93,134,437,229
6.유형자산 157,842,284,605
7.투자부동산 127,973,409,104
8.무형자산 13,163,728,939
9.기타비유동자산 6,576,071,163
10.이연법인세자산 3,291,082,082
자산총계 738,684,753,259
Ⅰ.유동부채 393,231,223,780
1.매입채무및기타채무 146,831,117,613
2.유동성차입금및사채 234,339,438,768/td>
3.금융리스채무 8,121,589,346
4.기타금융부채 -
5.기타유동부채 3,745,866,027
6.당기법인세부채 193,212,026
Ⅱ.비유동부채 42,672,295,159
1.매입채무및기타채무 11,498,772,047
2.차입금및사채 17,108,255,809
3.금융리스부채 4,156,759,532
4.기타비유동부채 1,934,170
5.순확정급여부채 9,906,573,601
부채총계 435,903,518,939
Ⅰ.자본 27,200,000,000
Ⅱ.기타불입자본 264,739,889,410
Ⅲ.이익잉여금 9,793,716,078
Ⅳ.기타자본구성요소 1,047,628,832
자본총계 302,781,234,320
자본과부채총계 738,684,753,259
위와 같이 공고함. 2014년 03월 28일 주식회사 동부익스프레스 대표이사 정주섭
위 재무상태표를 포함한 제3기 재무제표는 대한민국에서 일반적으로 인정된 회계처리기준에 따라 중요성의 관점에서 적정하게 표시하고 있습니다. 안진회계법인 대표이사 이재술
The 2th 2012
계정과목 금액
Ⅰ.유동자산 229,276,449,797
1.현금및현금성자산 6,142,010,432
2.매출채권 190,182,643,873
3.기타수취채권 19,703,154,121
4.매도가능금융자산 709,538,590
5.기타금융자산 5,744,500,000
6.재고자산 815,811,535
7.기타유동자산 5,808,099,566
8.당기법인세자산 170,691,680
Ⅱ.비유동자산 535,638,458,089
1.매출채권 60,988,805
2.기타수취채권 5,201,702,062
3.매도가능금융자산 135,634,573,295
4.기타금융자산 321,471,234
5.종속/관계기업투자 92,657,482,631
6.유형자산 204,392,607,114
7.투자부동산 76,734,859,748
8.무형자산 10,221,773,049
9.기타비유동자산 7,059,902,516
10.이연법인세자산 3,353,097,635
자산총계 764,914,907,886
Ⅰ.유동부채 316,391,506,478
1.매입채무및기타채무 135,430,231,375
2.유동성차입금및사채 157,623,963,206
3.금융리스채무 9,332,495,346
4.기타금융부채 9,000,000,000
5.기타유동부채 5,004,816,551
Ⅱ.비유동부채 149,540,060,893
1.매입채무및기타채무 9,078,414,779
2.차입금및사채 122,189,301,522
3.금융리스채무 11,489,671,967
4.기타비유동금융부채 3,868,341
5.퇴직급여채무 6,778,804,284
부채총계 465,931,567,371
Ⅰ.자본 27,200,000,000
Ⅱ.기타불입자본 264,742,290,161
Ⅲ.이익잉여금 7,624,721,122
Ⅳ.기타자본구성요소 583,670,768
자본총계 298,983,340,515
자본과부채총계 764,914,907,886
위와 같이 공고함. 2013년 03월 22일 주식회사 동부익스프레스 대표이사 정주섭
위 재무상태표를 포함한 제2기 재무제표는 대한민국에서 일반적으로 인정된 회계처리기준에 따라 중요성의 관점에서 적정하게 표시하고 있습니다. 안진회계법인 대표이사 이재술
The 1th 2011
계정과목 금액
Ⅰ.유동자산 229,745,719,532
1.현금및현금성자산 15,994,447,320
2.매출채권 181,423,654,921
3.기타수취채권 15,667,755,998
4.매도가능금융자산 1,682,620,391
5.기타금융자산 6,734,200,000
6.재고자산 639,297,415
7.기타유동자산 7,478,484,217
8.당기법인세자산 125,259,270
Ⅱ.매각예정비유동자산 43,139,653,086
Ⅲ.비유동자산 533,989,824,511
1.매출채권 73,547,372
2.기타수취채권 3,713,464,180
3.매도가능금융자산 136,114,541,481
4.기타금융자산 431,871,234
5.종속/관계기업투자 93,307,336,869
6.유형자산 187,705,468,326
7.투자부동산 91,159,067,696
8.무형자산 8,609,677,092
9.기타비유동자산 7,766,554,995
10.이연법인세자산 5,108,295,266
자산총계 806,875,197,129
Ⅰ.유동부채 408,424,228,645
1.매입채무및기타채무 150,060,760,405
2.유동성차입금및사채 223,744,389,410
3.금융리스채무 9,872,909,685
4.기타금융부채 17,068,811,460
5.기타유동부채 7,677,357,685
Ⅱ.매각예정비유동부채 12,391,150,324
Ⅲ.비유동부채 62,883,358,851
1.매입채무및기타채무 4,373,519,006
2.차입금및사채 31,427,600,000
3.금융리스채무 15,086,510,094
4.기타비유동금융부채 6,643,403,554
5.퇴직급여채무 5,352,326,197
부채총계 483,698,737,820
Ⅰ.자본 30,000,000,000
Ⅱ.기타불입자본 305,829,188,655
Ⅲ.결손금 12,598,315,268
Ⅳ.기타자본구성요소 54,414,078
자본총계 323,176,459,309
자본과부채총계 806,875,197,129
위와 같이 공고함. 2012년 03월 23일 주식회사 동부익스프레스 대표이사 정주섭
위 재무상태표를 포함한 제1기 재무제표는 대한민국에서 일반적으로 인정된 회계처리기준에 따라 중요성의 관점에서 적정하게 표시하고 있습니다. 안진회계법인 대표이사 이재술

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